Where is the LWH merchandise?
Living With Harmony does not sell merchandise to promote our cause, but we encourage and appreciate the sharing of our social media and website instead. The textile industry is the second most polluting industry in the world and there are a lot of unfortunate people who are not treated well or paid well. We do not want to contribute more to this wasteful industry by selling printed items, or swag, with our logo or message on them.
We understand the need to shop from time to time and encourage everyone to become a conscientious consumer when purchasing new items. Some things to consider are whether the item is packaged in plastic, whether or not this item is available used, or online through EBay or another resource, can you support a local business and find it locally, what will happen when this item breaks, or is no longer of use and was this item ethically-sourced?
We have included some of favorite products below that offer some environmentally-friendlier options for new items through their products and/or their packaging. We encourage you to find the most sustainable means of enjoying any of these items that you may want or need.
Products that LWH recommends due to packaging and improved sustainability. None of these products contain palm oil or animal products. They are also cruelty-free.
How Can We Make A Difference?
The products on this page do not contain animal products and are cruelty-free. The companies strive to avoid palm oil, but please check with them before purchasing to see if their ingredients or packaging have changed.
We always welcome your input! Please let us know of any companies you like, or if there is something you’d like us to know about any of the items listed here.
And remember – if you do not like something a company is doing, or wish they would do something better, please contact them! Companies need to hear from consumers so they know what we want.
Thank you so much!
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