
How will this action affect my health?

Let’s consider the ways our everyday actions impact our current state of health and our future life experience…

With Our Daily Decisions We Influence Our Future Life

Health can be an elusive goal for many people on earth. And the impact of poor health couldn’t be more critical – as most causes of death can be avoided through good health. Below are a few areas areas of focus we can pay attention to each day. Even just a small fraction of our time each day can add years to our lives.

PLANET-Based Eating

Health starts with the choices of what foods we put in our mouths. PLANET-Based Living focuses on plant-based foods, which have significantly better environmental footprints, better ethical impacts, and are better for our health.

Physical Fitness

  • Movement
  • Exercise
  • Meditation

Check out the Moving in the Garden with JP below:

Healthy State of Mind

Often overlooked, our mental and emotional health is just as important as our physical health. When we improve our emotional and intellectual life, we improve our health, feel better and make our lives better.

Learn more by reading our Health in Harmony articles.

Questions to raise the bar:

  • How can I increase my expectations for my diet?
  • What are the obstacles that keep me from increasing my health and energy levels?
  • How can I raise my standards in my interactions with others?
  • How can i be a role model for good morals and values?
  • What values am I teaching my children or the young people in my life?
  • What principles do I stand for?
  • Am I respectful of the ethical beliefs of others?
  • How can I do better as an individual and help our society?

– John Pierre, Pillars of Health

Take your health to the next level with courses, training, and personal consultations with John Pierre!

There is Hope for Your Health

And it is in your hands. You can heal, protect, and strengthen yourself. You are not alone.




Health is the greatest possession. Contentment is the greatest treasure. Confidence is the greatest friend.

Lao Tzu