Read, Reflect, React
Bottled Water
$31,000,000,000 was spent during 2018 in the United States on bottled water. Approximately 1,500 water bottles are consumed per second in the United States. Which approximates 90,000 bottles hourly, or 2,200,000 bottles daily. It is estimated that 80% of the water bottles purchased in the United States end up in landfills. It takes about 1.4…
The Nutritional, Environmental and Ethical Consequences of Consuming Animal Products
Download the PDF version of this article to view it as it appeared in North Country This Week. Like most of us, I was introduced to Carnism by my parents and unfortunately never really questioned the choice to consume animal products until many years later. As a result, I was Comfortably Unaware (Oppenlander) of the…
There Will Be Battlefields
To see the original article, please visit: In a world where lives are simply viewed as expendable, innocent life will be cast aside whenever someone with enough power stands to benefit, whether the lives in question are those of nonhumans, soldiers, civilians, women, children or the elderly. While many face the season of “peace…
Holiday Dinner Foul Play
It is the time of year that I am unfortunately reminded of two articles. The first is titled There’s a grim reality behind your Thanksgiving turkey (Los Angeles Times Editorial Board) and the second article is titled Torture and Terror: Why Thanksgiving Is Tough For Turkeys (Katie Rucke). Judging from the excessive volume of turkey…
When You Throw Something Away, Where is Away?
Do Fish Feel?
Most of us make the choice to have farm animals slaughtered so that we can eat them, I choose to believe that the majority of us think farm animals are sentient beings, intelligent feeling beings, more like us than not. We want to believe their sentience is considered during their brief confined lives and that…