$31,000,000,000 was spent during 2018 in the United States on bottled water.
Approximately 1,500 water bottles are consumed per second in the United States. Which approximates 90,000 bottles hourly, or 2,200,000 bottles daily.
It is estimated that 80% of the water bottles purchased in the United States end up in landfills.
It takes about 1.4 – 2 units of water to produce/bottle a unit of bottled water.
Approximately 20 million barrels of oil are used annually to produce plastic water bottles in the United States.
Plastic is not biodegradable, it is degradable after many years, hundreds of years.
Approximately half of domestic bottled water is reprocessed tap water.
90% of the cost of bottled water is for water bottle production, transportation and storage.
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