• When Grocery Stores are an Amenity

    When Grocery Stores are an Amenity

    Have you ever considered having a grocery store nearby a luxury? Across the country approximately 23.5 million people live in food deserts, explained as “low-income census tract that is more than one mile away from a grocery store in urban areas, or more than 10 miles away from a grocery store in rural areas” (U.S.…

  • Environmental Trivia

    Environmental Trivia

    Where can you cut down on your energy use?   First, the assumptions: Xcel in Colorado produces 1.3 lb of CO2 per kWH generated (Source: Excel) A car gets 25 mpg. (This is the current average in the US. Source: Wikipedia ) Burning a gallon of gas releases 20 lb of CO2 ( Source: Fuel…

  • Take Charge of Your Health with JP!

    Take Charge of Your Health with JP!

    John Pierre, personal trainer and wellness coach, has dedicated the last three decades of his life to continuously learning how to best serve people in transforming their health through a combination of exercise routines, plant-based nutrition, and self love. In the courses and programs below, JP shares with you the same exercise techniques and strategies…

  • No Deposit, No Return

    No Deposit, No Return

    Just like a dependable savings account requires regular deposits in order to maintain a positive balance, so too does our body. Special attention must be paid to keep our personal vitality account in balance since withdrawals occur throughout the day. One common withdrawal, inactivity, happens as a result of our modern and mechanized lifestyle and…

  • Society, the Scale, and Your Jeans

    Society, the Scale, and Your Jeans

    At the office, in the field, and through my presentations as a nutrition and fitness consultant, I have had the privilege of speaking with thousands of women. When I ask them what their goal is, the most frequent response I hear is, “I want to be skinny, I want to lose weight and look good.”…

  • Keep Moving During The Holidays

    Keep Moving During The Holidays

    The hustle and bustle of the holidays, and the stress that accompanies them, leave little room to think about exercise or fitness. When the cold weather arrives, think how easy it becomes to park in front of the TV or the computer for the evening. Furthermore, the office parties, the wide array of tempting treats…