• There Will Be Battlefields

    To see the original article, please visit: https://gentleworld.org/there-will-be-battlefields/ In a world where lives are simply viewed as expendable, innocent life will be cast aside whenever someone with enough power stands to benefit, whether the lives in question are those of nonhumans, soldiers, civilians, women, children or the elderly. While many face the season of “peace…

  • The Nutritional, Environmental and Ethical Consequences of Consuming Animal Products

    Download the PDF version of this article to view it as it appeared in North Country This Week. Like most of us, I was introduced to Carnism by my parents and unfortunately never really questioned the choice to consume animal products until many years later. As a result, I was Comfortably Unaware (Oppenlander) of the…

  • Is “Sustainable” Palm Sustainable?

    Is “Sustainable” Palm Sustainable?

    Palm oil is one of the most versatile ingredients on Earth. From ice cream to car fuel, and from cosmetics to detergent, palm oil is in nearly in everything, everywhere. 1 2  Because of its versatility—i.e. money-making capability—there is a push for more sustainable practices of producing this vegetable oil. (Let’s not forget, palm oil…

  • New Resolutions Can Happen Anytime

    New Resolutions Can Happen Anytime

    New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Just Have to be thought of in January. Every day is a great day to better yourself and work towards your goals. In fact, making an effort to better yourself year round will help you reach your goals better than if you just start at the beginning of the New Year.…

  • Is Wilderness Gone Already?

    Is Wilderness Gone Already?

    The pandemic has hurt “wildlife tourism” and endangered the wildlife which drew in the tourists. The Guardian announced (May 5) that, “Ecotourism collapse threatens communities and wildlife,” and The Washington Post adds (July 17) that this tourism “is essential to wildlife conservation in many African countries.” These reports are all very true, but send the wrong message and obscure an important…

  • Reforestation is Essential to Deal with Climate Change

    Reforestation is Essential to Deal with Climate Change

    Whatever happened to the estimate that 51% of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions are from livestock agriculture (“Livestock and Climate Change,” Robert Goodland and Jeff Anhang, WorldWatch, Nov.-Dec. 2009)? This certainly supports the vegan cause, but is it scientifically valid? This claim revolves around how much of an impact human land use has on the carbon…