• PLANET-Based Examples

    PLANET-Based Examples

    Often it helps to have some clear examples of what is PLANET-Based, and what is Not PLANET-Based.  The images in this article depict some every-day choices you can make that support PLANET-Based Living.  We encourage you to look for as many ways as you can to reduce the amount of packaging your purchases incur, as…

  • Compassion In The Classroom

    Compassion In The Classroom

    Compassion In The Classroom Animals belong in better environments Living With Harmony is helping to educate teachers and school officials on the myths that pocket pets, turtles and reptiles are easy to care for, and to discourage having these, and other, animals as pets in classrooms. This endeavor will be able to improve the lives…

  • PLANET-Based Health

    PLANET-Based Health

    How will this action affect my health? Let’s consider the ways our everyday actions impact our current state of health and our future life experience… With Our Daily Decisions We Influence Our Future Life Health can be an elusive goal for many people on earth. And the impact of poor health couldn’t be more critical…

  • Wildlife Sanctuary

    Wildlife Sanctuary

    Imagine a Place Where All Beings Are Free and Safe. . . We can create it! Colorado wildlife needs more help than ever, as increased development to meet population demands and natural disasters, result in ever fewer wild areas… The clock is ticking and Living With Harmony is working hard to acquire a Wildlife Sanctuary…

  • How Cruises Affect the Environment

    How Cruises Affect the Environment

    UPDATE: This article was written during the outbreak of Coronavirus and the ensuing pandemic. And while the cruise industry, and travel industry in general, will suffer heavily from the impacts of Coronavirus, the information below is nevertheless prevalent in the cruise industry. At the current time, even in the midst of a pandemic, dozens of…

  • When Grocery Stores are an Amenity

    When Grocery Stores are an Amenity

    Have you ever considered having a grocery store nearby a luxury? Across the country approximately 23.5 million people live in food deserts, explained as “low-income census tract that is more than one mile away from a grocery store in urban areas, or more than 10 miles away from a grocery store in rural areas” (U.S.…

  • No Deposit, No Return

    No Deposit, No Return

    Just like a dependable savings account requires regular deposits in order to maintain a positive balance, so too does our body. Special attention must be paid to keep our personal vitality account in balance since withdrawals occur throughout the day. One common withdrawal, inactivity, happens as a result of our modern and mechanized lifestyle and…

  • Keep Moving During The Holidays

    Keep Moving During The Holidays

    The hustle and bustle of the holidays, and the stress that accompanies them, leave little room to think about exercise or fitness. When the cold weather arrives, think how easy it becomes to park in front of the TV or the computer for the evening. Furthermore, the office parties, the wide array of tempting treats…

  • Restaurant and Bakery Sustainability

    Restaurant and Bakery Sustainability

    Sustainability is very trendy today.  This is why you see such a rise in vegan options, farm-to-table, zero-waste, reusables, supporting local, etc.  More than ever, I’m seeing people encourage repeating outfits, promote plant-based diets, and demand people bring their own reusable coffee mug.  People want the change, so make it easy for the customer by…

  • Holiday Dinner Foul Play

    Holiday Dinner Foul Play

    It is the time of year that I am unfortunately reminded of two articles. The first is titled There’s a grim reality behind your Thanksgiving turkey (Los Angeles Times Editorial Board) and the second article is titled Torture and Terror: Why Thanksgiving Is Tough For Turkeys (Katie Rucke). Judging from the excessive volume of turkey…

  • Team


    The Living With Harmony Team We know that changing the world for the better is somethingwe will only accomplish together. cofounder Andrea Rose Interim Boardmember cofounder John Pierre Nutrition and Fitness Consultant advisor Mike Garcia Entrepreneur & Sustainability Expert advisor Randy Johnston Educational Consultant

  • Contact Us

    Mailing Address1750 30th Street, Suite #113Boulder, Colorado80301-1029 Emailhello@livingwithharmony.org

  • Events

    Earth Day, Every Day – Lafayette, CO 105 W. Baseline Rd, Lafayette, CO 80026 Saturday, 4/27/24, 10-2pm Farmers Markets 2024 Living with Harmony will be participating at the following farmers markets on the listed dates: Boulder County Farmers Market – 1212 Canyon, Boulder, CO Wednesdays, 6/19, 6/26, 7/3, 7/24, 7/31, 9/4 and 10/2/24 4-8pm Saturdays,…

  • Mission Statement

    Mission Statement

    Living With Harmony + Planet-Based Life In today’s fast-paced and isolating culture, there is a tremendous need to heal, connect, and grow. Living With Harmony embodies a sincere effort to meet that ever-growing need, and to heal, inspire and transform the lives of people, animals, and the planet, through the education of “PLANET-Based Living.” Together…

  • Take Charge of Your Health with JP!

    Take Charge of Your Health with JP!

    John Pierre, personal trainer and wellness coach, has dedicated the last three decades of his life to continuously learning how to best serve people in transforming their health through a combination of exercise routines, plant-based nutrition, and self love. In the courses and programs below, JP shares with you the same exercise techniques and strategies…

  • Family Fitness

    Family Fitness

    Think about how inactive our children are today compared to when we were kids. Remember when our parents had to call us in several times because we were busy outside playing tag, hopscotch or baseball? Today, kids are called away from their computer or the sofa in just the next room. This inactive lifestyle is…

  • PBL Support Group Videos

    PBL Support Group Videos

    March 29th, 2021 vimeo.com/532620183/0fe74a1cc8 save May 26, 2021 vimeo.com/559951316/47375f7d0f April 30, 2021 vimeo.com/553368908/72a7d95ec9 March 14th, 2021 vimeo.com/526558065/6f48aacf1b save

  • PLANET-Based Living

    PLANET-Based Living

    PLANET-Based Living includes actions that might not change the world, but are done because they are the most respectful thing to do. These actions include recycling, using cloth bags when shopping, composting, not using toxic chemicals, eating organically grown food and using recycled and non-disposable products. PLANET-Based Living involves minimizing our impact on the earth…

Learn More Now!

Learn about Living With Harmony and PLANET-Based Living by exploring the various sections in the menu of this website.

PLANET-Based Living

Discover ways of Living With Harmony in regard to the earth and all of its inhabitants, as well as within your self.


Simple steps to practice in your daily life.


Essays on ethics, animals and the environment.


Playlists of content related to PLANET-Based Living.